Enhancing DataTables in LWC – Part 4 Text Wrap
This is a simple example of a datatable with cell wrapping where there is too much text in the cell to display on one line. This is not quite the same as the Part 3 example which was two separate fields. This is what we are aiming for:

This is simple done with the wrapText attribute on the column, so our html template file is a simple:
<div style="height: 300px">
<lightning-datatable key-field="id" data={data} columns={columns}>
and the javascript file is:
import { LightningElement } from "lwc";
const sampleData = [
id: "1",
field1: "item A",
field2: "Category A",
"Pending A that has text that needs to wrap around the to the next cell",
field4: "Status A"
id: "2",
field1: "item B",
field2: "category B",
"Rejected B that has text that needs to wrap around the to the next cell",
field4: "Status B"
id: "3",
field1: "item C",
field2: "Category C",
"Pending C that has text that needs to wrap around the to the next cell and there might be so much it wraps to 3 lines or evne 4 if we have lots of text.",
field4: "Status C"
const columns = [
label: "Column 1",
fieldName: "field1"
label: "Column 2",
fieldName: "field2"
label: "Column 3",
fieldName: "field3",
type: "text",
wrapText: true
label: "Column 4",
fieldName: "field4"
export default class WrapTableDemo extends LightningElement {
columns = columns;
data = sampleData;